Friday, March 18, 2011


All good things must come to an end but what a wonderful experience the trip has been for everyone. We had the opportunity to make new friends within our group, but also with students from two schools located in Texas.
The play "Wicked" was magnificent..... the setting, the actors, the singing, the experience of being at a Broadway play, etc. all of it was superb. The students enjoyed the entire experience, and then to top it off - we found out that Katie Holmes and her daughter had been in attendance and was being swept away in limos as we reached the outside area. Quite a rush for everyone. The group had  pictures taken by a photographer in Times Square at 11:00 p.m. and then the extremely tired group were taken via bus (thank you....) back to the hotel.
Thursday morning began with a 5:15 a.m wake-up call. All of the luggage was taken to Mrs. Cross' room by 6:15 a.m. for the tour company to place on bus later that morning. It was humorous to watch the placing of items from one bag to another so that everything purchased could be brought back to TN.  We had our own little leprechaun with us on our journey (thank you Amanda.) We ate breakfast in an Irish restaurant (St Patrick's Day) and then subway rides to Times Square, the MET, and Grand Central Station. We ate lunch at the station and then walked to the New York Library. The students were quite surprised by the way some of the people were dressed for St. Patty's Day and the parade. Then it was time for the ride to the airport. 
Our flight was delayed for two hours and we arrived at DMS around 1:30 a.m. It was an extremely long day for all but enjoyed. 
We want to thank everyone who played a part in this excursion made by 11 students and 4 adults. It was an opportunity of a lifetime and will be a cherished memory by all 15. We hope to put short essays by the students on the blog as they come to us during spring break and the week back to school.

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